DS 3.2: Recycling supportive policy means
Policy reforms to promote innovations and Phosphor recycling (Version 1*, 24. April 2013)
The world population of nowadays 7 billion people is expected to rise up to 9 billion people in the coming decades. Considering these facts, securing the nourishment of the world is and will become one of the main challenges for global politics. As traditional forms of agriculture are strongly dependent on the beneficial effects of fertilizers, the exploitation and responsible use of phosphorus, an essential ingredient of fertilizer production, are decisive for fulfilling this task. Especially the recycling of phosphorus is considered to become a crucial factor for world food security. Policy reforms to promote innovations and phosphorus recycling are strongly needed and should be adopted globally.
The organizers of the Global TraPs World Conference in Beijing would like to invite key politicians, recognized scientists and other important stakeholder to the Dialogue Session on Recycling Supportive Policy Mean. The objective of the session is to provide an open space to discuss and share ideas and experiences. This shall hopefully lead to concrete actions and the development of initiatives on national and international level.
The key questions are: “How can we contribute to enhance innovations and the recycling of phosphorus? Which policy reforms are needed on national and on international scale to obtain these goals?”
* This is the first version of the description of what will be dealt with in the DS 3.2 Recycling Policy and provides only a rough description of what will be discussed. A group of practitioners and scientists are currently revising this abstract and composing a booklet which will prepare all participants for the DS on June 18. Please contact Franz Ecker <franz.ecker@uni-oldenburg.de>, member of the TD Support team or Anh Pallas, Science manager of Global TraPs if you want to join <a.pham@gmx.ch>